Lotus Relaxation Lounge
Lotus Relaxation Lounge offers evidence-based, 'state of the art,' technology-based creative visualization and meditation tools to facilitate stress reduction and enhance relaxation. Current medical research has linked ailments like chronic stress and insomnia as a major factor in numerous health conditions.

By Appointment.
630 N Logan Ave
e-mail: lotusrelaxlounge@gmail.com
Alexis Bergan-Guzman
- Introductory Special -
Purchase by 12/31/21
Lotus 18: [$325]
A Savings of >25% of the single session rate.
This package is good for up to 18 visits, giving you the option to experience the benefits of enhanced relaxation and stress reduction 3 times per week for 6 weeks. Introductory package expires 6 weeks after date of purchase.
- Standard Menu -
Lotus 1-Session: [ $25 ]
Lotus 6: [ $125 ]
This package is good for 6 session at a enhanced "Buy 5 Get One Free" rate. Package expires 3 months after date of purchase.
Lotus 12: [ $250 ]
This package is good for 12 session at a beyond "Buy 10 Get 2 Free" rate. Package expires 6 months after date of purchase.
Lotus Yin: [ $15 additional/session]
Add Yin/Restorative Yoga bolstering to your Lotus Table session for only $15/session.
Job Stress May Be a 'Substantial Contributor' to Mental Illness
Source: Medscape: May 2018
Having a demanding job over which one has little control may raise the risk of developing common mental disorders in midlife, new research suggests. If causality is assumed, it is possible that 14% of new cases of depression, anxiety, and other common mental disorders could be prevented by eliminating high levels of job strain, report Samuel Harvey, PhD, from the University of New South Wales School of Psychiatry, Sydney, Australia, and colleagues. The study was published online May 10 in Lancet Psychiatry. Read more...